Mission & Goals

The mission of the Washington Charter School Resource Center (WCSRC) is to improve the quality of education for all children in the state of Washington.

The goals of WCSRC are to:

  • Support the development of charter public schools as viable educational alternatives for children at all academic levels in all parts of Washington.
  • Provide technical and networking resources to the various groups developing, supporting, and authorizing charter public schools in Washington.
  • Provide a working link for state and national charter school groups.
  • Educate Washington citizens about the value and effectiveness of charter public schools.


Jim and Fawn Spady have been working on the development of charter public schools in the state of Washington since 1994. When Washington’s first charter school legislation was approved in March 2004, they wanted to make sure that Washington’s charter schools would be successful right from the start. To that end, they immediately started the Washington Charter School Resource Center.


Jim Spady, President & Executive Director
Fawn Spady, Vice President